When will we stop seeing people as “other” than we are?

I have been agonizing over what to say after I watched the video of George Floyd being suffocated by a police officer. I am a person who usually sides with the police. I count several officers as friends here in the town I live in. I have a friend who is a state trooper in Minnesota that has been called in to contain riots in the aftermath of this murder. I am a cheerleader for good policing, I enjoy living in a country where the rule of law is upheld. This requires men and women of integrity. I know that most police officers would not act in the way that those officers acted. However, I watched the video of George Floyd begging for his life, I watched his life end, I cried. I felt my anger rise up within me. What was perpetrated by the officers in Minneapolis was nothing more than murder. It was the sickening abuse of power and it was racism. Only when we stop seeing people as “other” than we are, is there going to be healing.  

Each and every person on this planet carries within them the image of the Almighty. When are we going to stop being distracted by what our senses perceive? One day we will all stand before the almighty and give an account. On that day many will learn that they were guilty of prejudice, many will have to confront their own racism. We need to repent, we need to look to Christ to heal our wounds. Pray for Minneapolis, pray for my friend who is now in harms way because of the thoughtless, criminal actions of a few, pray for George Floyd’s family that they may see the grace of God through this tragedy.

Pastor Jon Welch

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