We Still Have Religious Freedom in Canada

Cultural Reflections

This week I read an article on Lifesite News about Asia Bibi a woman in Pakistan who was beaten, raped, and jailed for blasphemy against Allah, she was acquitted in court but has been in danger since the incident. According to the article Mrs. Bibi got into an argument while she was working. Other workers refused to drink out of a cup that she had used because her devotion to Jesus Christ had tainted the cup. In the ensuing argument Bibi supposedly blasphemed against Mohammed. The end of the article related that Mrs. Bibi was released and is coming to Canada to join her daughters. This story is encouraging in the fact that one of our sisters in Christ is free to worship and live her life without threat of the atrocities that she faced in her home country. Here is what I want us to remember from this story. We still have religious freedom in Canada. There are times that we see the faint hint of being pushed to the margins of society. Other than that, we are free to worship Jesus without fear of repercussion. At the same time our brothers and sisters in Christ live in fear of persecution up to and including loss of their lives. We know that God has a special place for martyrs. We need to celebrate this freedom by loving God’s word, by praying openly, by preaching the gospel, and by being fearless in our love for Jesus by loving people. Remember, the world will know us by our love for each other, and our love for the word, and by our love for the lost.

You can find the article online here: www.lifesitenews.com/news/christian-mom-jailed-for-blaspheming-mohammed-heading-to-canada-after-court

For His Glory!

Pastor Jonathan Welch

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