Unplanned Screenings

Cultural Reflection – Unplanned screenings

If you have Facebook and are my friend, then you have seen the letter from Cineplex president Ellis Jacob responding to critics of the anti-abortion movie “Unplanned”. You may have even read the response from my friend and mentor, Pastor Paul Carter, about the letter. I agree with his statement on this issue. It is absolutely egregious that a letter explaining why showing the movie “Unplanned” would need to be written.

To me it smacks of fear. Fear that exposing the evil of abortion would cause people to change their minds about this abominable practice. Fear that perhaps, laws may begin to be affected that would rid this country of the mass killing of babies. I fully believe that the culture of death is afraid of anyone that thinks differently than it does. We have seen this line of thinking rearing its head steadily over the last few years. If you don’t agree wholeheartedly with the culture of death, then you cannot be a part of the national Liberal party. If you want to show a movie about how the horrors of abortion changed someone’s heart on the issue, then you are going to be banned. If you want to bring the topic up on a talk show you are more than likely going to get shouted down. The culture of death is afraid that its evil is going to be brought to light, and those who were ambivalent will wake up and recognise this culture for what it is. Abortion is not about choice. It is about the death of a baby, not a blob of tissue, not a clump of cells. Any scientist worth their weight knows that life begins at conception. To take that life is murder.

The fear exhibited by the culture of death has led to death threats being levelled at independent theatre owners who were planning on screening this movie. I found that story here: Police Investigate Death Threats to Movie Theater Owners Screening Pro-Life Film ‘Unplanned’

If you tell the world that you are pro-choice, then deny any choice to be made then you are not pro-choice you are pro-abortion and anti-choice. You have become a tyrant. Wholly willing to harm others that don’t share your view.

Does anyone else recognize this for what it is? Or are we so lulled by our comfort and convenience that we don’t want to think about it? Brother and sister Christian. Go see this movie. Use your money to advance the cause of the unborn, help to open the world’s eyes and pray that the Lord allows a revival in our land!

Pastor Jonathan M. Welch

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