Cultural Reflection – Abortion

Abortion law has not moved with science

Last week I wrote about the March for Life.  It seems like the issue of abortion is staying in the news.  Last week the State of New York passed a devastating law against the unborn.  What is even more egregious is the celebration that ensued.   Buildings were lit up in pink,  celebrating what the far left is calling an advancement in women’s reproductive rights. As a follower of Jesus Christ, I believe that all human life, from conception to natural death, is inherently valuable.  It is alarming that when Roe v. Wade was passed legalizing abortion in the US, science was used to affirm that a fetus was not alive until it was viable, usually 23 or 24 weeks of gestation.  Now, science does not hold to any given time on viability.  With the advancement in medical science, viability has gotten earlier.  However, abortion law has not moved with science.  While viability has gotten earlier, abortion rights have become more and more liberal.  Now, in New York, you are allowed to kill your unborn baby up until that babies’ due date.  Make no mistake Christians; convenience has become the god of our culture.  If you feel like having a baby is going to make your life less convenient you can kill that baby, even up to the day that it is supposed to be born.  Never mind that the child could have lived as far back as halfway through the pregnancy.  As a father of five beautiful children, I will attest that children make your life more difficult but gloriously.  In a way that stretches and grows you, in a way that teaches you to be less selfish and more gracious.  

One day we WILL have to give an account

Abortion is an atrocity that every Christian must actively oppose.  One day we will all stand before a holy God and give an account for what we did during our time here.  What will we say when Jesus asks us what we did about the murder of millions upon millions of helpless babies?  As a follower of Jesus, we will experience divine grace and forgiveness, but make no mistake, we will answer for our action or inaction regarding this.  Christian, there are ways to make your voice heard about abortion.  You can write your MP and MPP, and we have seen social media harnessed to great effect on other causes.  Let’s get the word out that abortion is not healthy for our country, but remember, be winsome, kind, loving, and helpful.

In Christ,

Pastor Jonathan Welch

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