Psalm 146

During this time of year it is always a good idea for us to think about what Christmas means. It is after all, the advent season. Hopefully, you will have read Psalm 146 before you read this. What is interesting about this Psalm is that it is an expectation of a king who brings perfect leadership. The psalmist worships, because he knows that God alone can accomplish this type of government. So, here is what we can draw from this:

Praise God.

This is of utmost importance. God is going to accomplish what humanity could never do. He is going to make everything right. Besides, one way or another, all mankind will praise Him forever. We will either praise Him as His children with Him for all eternity, or we will praise Him in our eternal punishment.

Don’t hope in earthly government.

If you hope that any of the current political parties are going to accomplish what only God can do then you will be disappointed! All political parties make claims that they are going to fix the world. Yet, none of them have come close. We are to put our hope in Christ alone.

Look to the coming King.

Look at what this Psalm says of God’s perfect king: This king will bring justice to the oppressed, He feeds the hungry, and sets captives free. On and on it goes. What a contrast to our current governments. They want to try and do these things, but they cannot. This Psalm hearkens to the greatest time in Israel’s history. The reigns of David and Solomon, they were as close as you can come to this description and even they fell short! That is why we as Christians celebrate the advent of Christ!

His name is Jesus!

Jesus came as a baby the first time. He secured a release from our sins, but He is coming again! When He comes again He will set everything right! He will accomplish all that is described of Him in this psalm!

Christian, Jesus is coming again! I hope you believe that today. Whatever you are going through will serve to grow your love and trust in Him!


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