Pregnancy Kills


Because you don’t live under a rock, you have probably been hearing about the abortion debate raging on social media and the happenings south of the border. Let me be completely up-front on my views on this topic. I believe that life begins at conception. And ends at natural death. This is the view of the Bible and should be the view of every person who calls themselves a Christian. It is also becoming the increasing view of science. I was reading an article on Lifesite News today, they were reporting on an opinion piece from the NY Times written by Dr. Warren Hern claims that pregnancy kills more women then abortion. You can find the Lifesite article here:

You can find the original NY Times piece here:

As I read these, I couldn’t help but think how the pro-abortion side is losing its grip on reality. To claim that a practice that kills every one of the people it operates on, saves lives at all, is incredulous. The further we move away from Roe v. Wade the more science is supporting the pro-life position that life begins earlier than was thought in the late sixties and early seventies. The thought that abortion saves life is so incredibly counterintuitive that you must deny basic science to hold that position. Pregnancy is the one and only way that God has given to produce life on this planet. With the advancement of medical science mortality rates are very, very low. There are still factors that keep mortality from being wiped out and Christians should work to mitigate those things, but for the most part it is very safe to be pregnant in our society. That begs the question, “Why does the pro-abortion movement keep using words like “health of the mother” when they support abortion?” Let’s get to the reality of the horror of abortion. Abortion is steeped in eugenics. If you boil all the numbers down, you begin to see that abortion is used much more heavily on minorities than on any other demographic.

Christian, if you believe that all people carry the fingerprint of their creator, including the pre-born, then you cannot tolerate abortion in any form. It has to be abhorrent to you. By the grace of God, we can not only hate abortion, but we can be winsome in our opposition. Keep arguing logically and lovingly for the ban of this hateful act and glorify God in defending the most vulnerable in our society.

Pastor Jon

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