Haggai 1 – From the Pastor’s Desk

The book of Haggai is a short book. It deals with the time after the return from Babylonian exile. In this first chapter, the prophet assaults the sin of those who have returned. What is happening in Jerusalem is that when the exiles returned, they began to rebuild the temple, but then there was some push back from the surrounding kingdoms.

Ezra 3:3 tells us that they put the alter in its place, but after that they began to bend to the pressure and fear of opposition. The biggest problem is that after the resolution to the opposition, the people didn’t get back to building the temple. Instead they built their own houses, and they built them big and fancy. All the while, the temple was in ruins. We see from the text that God didn’t allow the people to prosper while they were living in disobedience to His command. The prophet calls the people to account for this, and the people responded with fervor to begin the work anew.

Those employed for God may be driven from their work by a storm, yet they must go back to it. They did not say that they would not build a temple, but, Not yet. Thus, men do not say they will never repent and reform, and be religious, but, Not yet. And so, the great business we were sent into the world to do, is not done.

Matthew Henry

Tasked with Preaching the Gospel

Followers of Jesus are all tasked with preaching the gospel. Yet, we see the culture moving in the opposite direction of scripture. Often, that is our excuse to refrain from the sharing of the gospel. We need to understand that our God is bigger than culture, and Christ’s work on our behalf is THE miracle of miracles. That miracle should overwhelm us with gratitude, a gratitude that compels us to get back to work spreading the gospel.

For His glory and our good!

Pastor Jonathan Welch

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