From the Pastor’s Desk

Hosea 8

In this chapter of Hosea, we run into the theme of misplaced confidence.  Israel mistakenly thought that because they had the temple that God was on their side.  As if a building forced God’s protection no matter the heart of the people.  What we can take from this is that it is not enough to “know” God.  James tells us this:

James 2:19 ESV

You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder!

Knowledge of God is not saving faith in God.  Demons are not going to heaven, but they know God.  Take the interactions between Jesus and unclean spirits.  They all knew Him, but they were and are condemned.  The same is true for us as for the Israelites in Hosea.  Saving faith is knowledge, love, service, and dependence.

We cannot hope for salvation from idols

In contrast to real, saving faith is the next section of this passage.  God will not incline Himself to those who think that they can live according to the world and still rely on Him for salvation.  Remember, idols are anything that we rely on or put faith in that is not the God of the bible.  We cannot hope for salvation from these things.  We may think that allying ourselves to these things may make sense in the short run, but when we syncretize our worship of God with things that are cultural and opposed to the word of God we deny Him, and we deny our faith.

Lastly, the danger of syncretistic worship is rampant in our culture today.  Churches that deny the truth of God’s word in favour of popular opinion are everywhere.  Matthew Henry states this:

“It is a great sin to corrupt the worship of God, and will be charged as sin on all who do it, how plausible soever their excuses may seem to be. The Lord had caused his law to be written for them, but they cared not to know, and would not obey it. Man seems by the temples he builds to be mindful of his Maker, yet really he has forgotten him, because he has cast off all his fear; but none ever hardened his heart against God and prospered. So long as men despise the truths and precepts of God’s word, and the ordinances of his worship, all the observances and offerings, however costly, of their own devising, will be unto them for sin; for those services only are acceptable to God, which are done according to his word, and through Jesus Christ.”

Matthew Henry Concise Commentary Hosea 8

As followers of God here on earth, let us worship Him in spirit and truth as He has taught us.  Let’s not aim for novelty and invention in worship.  Let’s instead, be faithful and steadfast followers of Christ!

For His glory and our good!

Pastor Jonathan Welch

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