From the Pastor’s Desk

We could arguably divide Hosea 7 into two parts. The first seven verses, and then the last nine.  All in all this chapter discusses the wickedness of the heart that has abandoned its creator.

Sin is at the Core

In the first seven verses, the writer discusses the depth of Israel’s sin.  That their sin is at the core of who they have become, and when sin is cherished in the heart, it will ultimately break out and overflow in wicked behaviour. Matthew Henry puts it this way:

Those who tempt others to drunkenness never can be their real friends, and often design their ruin. Thus men execute the Divine vengeance on each other.

Compromised Worship

The second half of the chapter warns against syncretism.  Syncretism, simply put, is when you mix the worship of God with the worship of other gods.  We read of this happening throughout the Old Testament.  In the Old Testament, the Israelites were wonton syncretists.  As a nation, Israel was enamoured with the religions of their neighbouring countries, and they would incorporate those religions in with their worship of the one true God.  Contemporarily, we may think that doesn’t happen.  However, we are in more danger of this even than Israel.  The religions that we incorporate into our worship of God aren’t called religions.  We incorporate convenience, wealth, and other such things with our worship of God.  What we need to take from this chapter is the warning against replacing right worship with compromised worship or worship of anything that is not the true object of our worship.  We need to remember the words of the angel speaking to John in the book of Revelation:

“…..I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers the prophets, and with those who keep the words of this book. Worship God.”  Revelation 22:9 ESV

Pastor Jon

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1 thought on “From the Pastor’s Desk”

  1. Hi Pastor Jon,
    I wanted to send you a note of encouragement. My wife and I and three children attended your church a few Sundays ago, and we were so pleased to see and hear Countryside’s new pastor! Both my wife and I agreed that it was very evident that you a pastor who loves and cares deeply for your people you are shepherding.
    Thank you for your sermon on Hosea. One of my children and I were able to follow up with a serious conversation about it later on our vacation.
    Praying for you today, that God will continue to bless your ministry to your amazing church family.
    Rev. Daniel, Wendy, Joshua, Matthew and Rebecca Winter

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