From the Pastor’s Desk

In Hosea 13 Israel was a compulsive idolater.  That is the lesson that Hosea is telling us.  Unfortunately, looking for satisfaction in any place other than the one who saves you and protects you is a fool’s errand.  God had brought Israel out of Egypt, had defeated the nations in Canaan and given them everything they needed.  Israel failed to live a life of gratitude for God’s goodness.  Like a good father, God disciplines His people.  God was patient with Israel, but they had exhausted His patience, and for the sake of a remnant, God disciplined His people before they could walk away fully.  Now, we read the last few verses and find the description of the discipline a bit horrifying.  Remember, Israel was culpable for their rebellion, as are we.  God is good in forgiving us. However, we are required to repent of our sins. 


Repentance is the process whereby we recognize the futility of our lifestyle and turn to God.  It needed for forgiveness because it acknowledges the gravity of our situation.  We are lost and condemned by our sins.  We are hopeless.  We cannot save ourselves by our works or, like Israel, attaching ourselves to any form of outside “help.”  Worshipping Christ in any way other than how He has commanded in His word is ignorance at best and idolatry at worst.  All humanity needs to recognize it’s need for salvation in Jesus.  When Christ returns again the time for repentance will be over.  We will all face the judgement seat of Jesus Christ, and we will spend eternity in His presence, or we will spend eternity separated from Him.  With Him is life eternal, separation from Him is eternal death. 

Let us choose life and obedience for that is what brings blessing. Then let us tell all those who will hear of the salvation that comes with obedience to Jesus.

Pastor Jonathan Welch

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