Cultural Reflections – Religion

In current times, it has become popular to say things like I love Jesus, but not religion. Or like the bumper sticker I saw yesterday, “I’m not religious, I just love Jesus.”  Many people have used these arguments to excuse non-involvement with the church.  A few weeks ago, I made the statement in a sermon that Jesus loved religion and was very religious Himself.”  That caused much consternation for some.  First, let me start with a definition of the word religion:

Religion: a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices

The word religion is simply the system of worship we use to worship God.  As we read the Bible, we see that God has given us commands in how our worship of Him is to happen.  If I love God, then I will be religious.  I will worship Him how He prescribes.  When I said that Jesus was religious, I was alluding to the fact that, as we read the New Testament, we see Jesus going to the temple and synagogue almost daily.  As a rabbi, He taught the people.  Jesus participated in the feasts and holy days.  He demonstrated to us how to love His Father.  In James 1:27 we are given a good definition of what religion is:

James 1:27 ESV

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

As I said in my sermon, Jesus did all these things and more!  Therefore, we can reasonably say that Jesus was religious.

Now, as I’ve said all this, I understand that there is religion that is not honouring to God.  Jesus seemed to be at odds with the Pharisees.  The reason for that was their tendency to use religion to advance themselves.   Jesus called them whitewashed tombs, and serpents.  There are also religions that don’t worship the one true God of heaven.  As a Christian, any religion that does not adhere to the orthodox beliefs of Scripture cannot be called a true religion.  We can invalidate how we worship God.  If we worship in ways that the Pharisees did, or if we forget who the object of our affections is supposed to be, then we are not engaged in right religion.  The answer to good religion is found in scripture.  So, if someone tells you that you can do the Christian life without religion, take them to the word of God and pull up James 1:27 and lovingly tell them that there is good religion that Jesus loves!

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