Cultural Reflections- Parental Rights

Judge rules on Parental Rights

I was listening to “The Briefing” by Dr. Albert Mohler this week.  He was talking about the case in BC this last week.  It was about a 14-year-old girl who identified as transgender.  A judge ruled that she was to be given hormone injections in spite of her parent’s objections.  The court went one further by ordering the parents to communicate with their child by the child’s preferred pronouns.  If the parents call their daughter by her birth name or by feminine pronouns, it will be considered family violence. What is very concerning about this is that it undermines what we as believers see as the one of the most critical part’s of the family — the responsibility of moms and dads to raise their children according to God’s word.  If the courts can effectively outlaw how parents parent, how long will we be legally allowed to take our children to church? 

God Has a Plan

Good churches teach what God’s word says about human sexuality.  The culture is opposed to and what His word says about sexuality.  God has a plan for human sexuality that cannot be violated without harm to self, and society.  It is in God’s plan for our sexuality that we find purpose and flourishing.  The chaos of the world’s view on sexuality can only bring harm.  The idea that I can do anything I want and everyone else should not only agree but celebrate me is narcissistic beyond belief. 

Ready to face persecution for the truth of God’s word?

As Christians, we cannot agree or support this way of thinking.  As people of the gospel, we need to love those who’s view on sexuality does not conform to God’s word, but we cannot celebrate with them.  We can, however, love them and share the gospel with them.  I suppose the question that I have to ask is, “Are we ready to face persecution for the truth of God’s word?”  “Are we ready to stand in opposition to the culture for what is right?”.  Are we ready to do all of this winsomely, for the sake of the gospel, not as fist waving, red-faced, aggressors?  Remember, we are here to spread the gospel in love, while being set apart for God’s glory!

Pastor Jonathan Welch

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