Cultural Reflections – Day of Mourning

On Saturday the 23rd of February 2019, there was scheduled a national day of mourning over the issue of abortion in the United States.  What started as a grassroots movement has coalesced into a national gathering. Businesses are going to close, and those opposed to abortion are called to pray and repent for the sin of abortion. Many rallies were scheduled to be held in places like Albany, New York, where the most controversial abortion laws since Roe v. Wade were signed into law last month.  The flagship rallies organizer, Elizabeth Johnston, has made some interesting statements about the day, things that we need to imitate here.

“We’re gonna be right there, in the convention center underneath the state house where they signed that law, and we are owning this sin. Even as God’s people, if you’ve never committed an abortion, there’s a sense in which we have been completely complicit, completely silent, we have not been the Good Samaritan that we must be, and so we have to own this as God’s people for allowing this bloodshed for 46 years. And we’re gonna get on our faces before God, thousands of people, and repent for the sin of abortion.”

Elizabeth Johnston

My hope and prayer are that the giant will awaken.  We have been silent too long.  Those that celebrate the killing of unborn children have moved ahead because we have kept silent.  We have given ground for the sake of peace.  We are complicit in our silence.  In the book of Obadiah, the nation of Edom is judged because they were both complicit and aloof in Israel’s disaster.  They didn’t directly attack Israel, but they stood by and didn’t help, and then they turned over those escaping to their foes.  Have we not been like Edom?  We have been silent when politically efficient.  Maybe we didn’t perform an abortion, but we didn’t put up enough of a fight.  Let’s join with our brother’s and sister’s to the south and repent and turn from our wickedness.  Let’s be on the front lines of this fight here in this country.  Let’s write letters, and make phone calls.  Let’s get the wheels of government turning in the right direction again!

For the glory of God and the good of His people!

Pastor Jonathan Welch

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