Colossians 3

The third chapter in the book of Colossians continues to explain how we walk worthy. We could divide this chapter into four parts. We will take our explanation in those four parts.

Paul begins with the foundation of a worthy life. It is faith in Jesus. Not just the kind of faith that sits exclusively in the head or in the heart, but in both simultaneously. Matthew Henry puts it this way:

Part 1

This section covers vss 1-4. Paul tells his readers of the battle for affections in the Christian life. As followers of Jesus our affections cannot be divided. We are to be focused on our Heavenly Father. That is why we are to set our minds on things above. If we try to focus on things of earth and things of heaven, earthly things usually win out. That is why part two is helpful.

Part 2

This section covers vss 5-11. If we are to be focused on God, then the things which rule our earthly passions must be done away with. Before our redemption in Christ these were the things that marked our earthly existence. Matthew Henry put it this way:

“It is our duty to mortify our members which incline to the things of the world. Mortify them, kill them, suppress them, as weeds or vermin which spread and destroy all about them. Continual opposition must be made to all corrupt workings, and no provision made for carnal indulgences.”

There are things in all of our lives that we have to excise, so that we may be more faithful in our service to the Lord. That may mean ridding our lives of things that may lead to temptation and sin. I remember a pastor friend saying that no man was denied entrance to heaven because he had a flip phone without access to the internet, but many men will be because their lust proved that they had no real repentance of their sin.

This section ends with by assuring us that the ground at the foot of the cross is level, and it is through Christ alone that we find salvation.

Part 3

This section includes vss 12-17. It is not enough to remove things from our lives but we need to grow in the graces that God has given. The last verse sums up this section.

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Colossians 3:17 ESV

If your desire is to do everything in the name of Jesus, then you will be growing in the things listed in verse 12. You will also be growing in humility because to know what Jesus did for you and I causes the heart to reflect and take an attitude of humbleness. One cannot truly be serving the Lord in arrogance.

Part 4

The last section spans vss 18-25. Theologian F.B. Meyer is helpful here, he says:

“From these high flights into the eternal and divine, Paul turns to the daily duties of the home, and demands that in the simplest domestic concerns the disciple should ever keep in mind the high claims of Christ. No act of life can be left outside the sacred enclosure of His everlasting love. As the moon affects the tides around the world, even in the smallest indentations of the coast, so must the power of Christ’s resurrection make itself felt in the behavior of the servant and the child.”

F.B. Meyer

Friends, to be a follower of Christ means to give Him control of EVERYTHING!!! From the smallest domestic duties to the loftiest goals we can dream. All must come under submission to Christ. It is in the little things that the gospel shines brightest. God calls us to be faithful in the little things so that He can bless us with big things.

And he said to him, ‘Well done, good servant! Because you have been faithful in a very little, you shall have authority over ten cities.’

Luke 19:17 ESV


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