Colossians 2

The second chapter in the book of Colossians finds Paul continuing with his primer on “how to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord.”

Paul begins with the foundation of a worthy life. It is faith in Jesus. Not just the kind of faith that sits exclusively in the head or in the heart, but in both simultaneously. Matthew Henry puts it this way:

“The soul prospers when we have clear knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus. When we not only believe with the heart, but are ready, when called, to make confession with the mouth.”

Being rooted in faith keeps us from falling for false teaching and bad theology. However, the text suggests that Christians are to abound in thanksgiving.

What is Sanctification?

Rooted in Christ, built up in Him, and abounding in thanksgiving. This is a Clif’s Notes explanation of sanctification. As we grow in Christ we are also supposed to guard against being deceived. Remember friends that we are on a journey of growth in Christ, we are not infallible nor are we outside of the realm of making mistakes or being deceived into believing something that is wrong. The way to avoid those errors is to continue to grow.

How do we Grow?

Studying God’s word, meeting together in times of learning, prayer. These are the graces that God provides to keep us from falling into these traps. As Paul states at the end of this chapter, the essence of the Christian life is about knowing Christ, and becoming like Him. Sure, there are attitudes and actions that lead us to a deeper walk with Christ. Obeying Christ is the first mark of true belief. Jesus Himself said that:

You are my friends if you do what I command you.

John 15:14 ESV

Jesus is the author and perfector of our faith, He is also the friend of those who believe. A good friend seeks what is best for His friends. Christ is what is best for us. To begin the process of sanctification we need to be rooted and founded in Christ. Being rooted keeps us from straying into false doctrines. Once the foundation is laid we can continue to grow. We will look into that further next week.


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